Try on kimono for free !

The ladies of Join Japan invite visitors to Nara City to try on kimono for free every month. Volunteers offer you the opportunity to experience wearing a kimono, and participate in a tea ceremony (there is a small charge of 500 yen for the tea sweets).

How to apply

No reservation is necessary, but if you're counting on trying on kimono during your next visit to Nara City, you may want to e-mail us or phone the Nara City Information Center to confirm the date, since the Community Center schedule occasionally obliges us to change to a different Tuesday.

Nara City Information Center : 0742-22-3900

Access map

Visit us at the Nara City Chubu Kominkan (public hall), usually on the 2nd Tuesday of each month (January-3rd, October-3rd, Tuesday) between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.
